We implemented a situational center in the Ternopil City Council!


3/23/20201 min read

On Monday, March 25, MagneticOne Municipal Technologies launched a COVID-19 Situation Center. Such a center allows you to understand the real situation in the city in real time.

The main advantage is a geoinformation platform with the possibility of connecting additional modules, which allows you to quickly process large amounts of information. Analysis results in a visual format are transmitted to one or more screens of various sizes - from large-scale video walls to tablets and mobile devices.

The charitable foundation MagneticOne.Org has taken over all the costs of implementing this decision during the fight against the coronavirus.

Feedback on the successful implementation of the Deputy Mayor Leonid Bytsyura in Ternopil

Feedback from the situation center system operator about successful operational training

Check out how it was!

Do you want to implement a situational center in your city?

Find out how by following the link!

Partner materials are available at the link.