The logic of modern education for a young technical specialist


1/7/20141 min read

  1. Find which specialists (professions/specialties) the market needs the most NOW (10 pieces)

  2. Find what technologies (10 pieces) these specialists use (do customers want?) NOW (relevant)

  3. Find which technologies (10 pieces) these specialists use LESS than the previous year

  4. Find which technologies (10 pieces) these specialists use MORE than the previous year

For each relevant (NOW, MORE) technology

  1. Find direct resources (by technology name)

- facebook

- twitter

  1. Find leading companies (by company name)

- facebook

- twitter

  1. Find news publications (blogs, news portals)

- facebook

- twitter

  1. Find online/offline courses that teach it

- free of charge

- precious

  1. Find books published this year on this technology

- to order

  1. Find club/user-group

- to join

- find someone who knows more (advisor/mentor/senior friend?)

  1. Find open source projects that are online using these technologies

- to join

  1. Read, learn, try

  2. Find 1 commercial project that requires 1 or more of the specified technologies

- Join

  1. Invest the received money in your education (p4, p5)

  2. Add the specified technology to your resume

  3. Help/advise 2 friends/beginners/partners on an open source project/group

  4. Repeat from p1.

It is very interesting to hear feedback/advice/remarks - especially interesting.