Systemic charity


11/28/20132 min read

I see many people who are engaged in charity in various forms, and it makes me very happy.

My systematic answer is the creation of a charitable foundation and a series of charitable projects within its activities, unfortunately not very active at the moment, join anyone who is interested.

Years ago I realized that unsystematic actions do not lead to anything in the long run, neither in work, nor in personal life, nor in charitable activities.

They are valuable and it is very good that people are doing something, but the world cannot be helped in this way.

To help more people, I advise you to do the following:

0. To clearly understand the purpose, goal, intentions of the project

1. Have a project website

On which mandatory elements:

– a brief description of the project (who/what/why)

- direct contacts of the organizers, with a photo

- command - description, with a photo

- previous projects, if any

– a video address of the organizers, in person

– a video of the team members’ appeal (if possible)

2. To organize the reception of payments

- publish payment details

- detailed payment instructions

- what will happen after payment

3. Regularly publish information about the progress of the project

- date

- the essence of achievement

- place

– photo/video (the more the better)

4. Patrons / Assistants

- publish information about

— patrons/sponsors/those who help with money

— those who help not with money

- a call to become one with detailed benefits

5. Social networks

Charity suits them very well, they should be actively used.

- create pages for each project

– update them immediately when performing an action/achievement, even if every day

– photo/video (the more the better)

6. Letters of thanks

- be sure to prepare and send to everyone who helped

maybe after a certain amount, for example 100 hryvnias - for simplification

- personal letters of thanks - by email (80/20 rule - the largest 20% of patrons)

– personal thank-you calls (20%)

8. Reporting

- publish the results in text, specifying the details - who/what/where/when

- publish a photo/video of the process itself

– publish photos/videos of responsible persons from the side who specifically accepted (names/surnames/organization)

- publish a video thanking patrons

- publish a video thanking everyone who supported

9. Make it massive

- share No. 8 as much as possible in social networks

- send the maximum number of messages to correspondents (do not spam)

- send to local deputies

- send to other funds

10. Completion of the project

- publish the summary

- publish an announcement of the next project with a call

11. Reward the team

- summarize the internal results

- which was super successful

- what to do better next time

Return to point 0, repeat (most important)!

Please help someone from the activists, they need help.

Friends, please help so that it gets to those who want to change something.