Presentation of the Geoinformation System of the Town Planning Cadastre of the Chortkiv City Territorial Community


7/14/20212 min read

On July 13, 2021, a presentation of the Geoinformation System of the urban cadastre of the Chortkiv community was held in Chortkiv, conducted by the MagneticVan Municipal Technologies company with the assistance of the Chortkiv City Council.

At the beginning of the event, the secretary of the Chortkiv City Council, Dzindra Yaroslav Petrovych, gave a welcoming speech and emphasized the importance of keeping up with the times and adopting new technological solutions for the development of the community.

We will remind you that in April of this year, a number of contracts were signed between "MagneticVan Municipal Technologies" LLC and the Chortkiv City Council on the supply of server and software and on filling the database of the urban cadastre geoportal.

Volodymyr Podobivskyi, executive director of MagneticVan Municipal Technologies LLC, actually presented the Geoinformation System of the Town Planning Cadastre of the Chortkiv community. The speaker emphasized that the presented resource will allow the employees of the urban planning and architecture department to carry out their activities more efficiently. Volodymyr Podobivskyi also drew attention to the need to map geospatial data in accordance with the law "On the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Data", which entered into force on January 1, 2021.

The speaker spoke in detail about the already available resources that the Geoinformation system of the town planning cadastre of the Chortkiv urban territorial community currently contains: General plan, Plan of existing use of the territory, Scheme of the street and road network of urban and external transport, Address register, Historical and architectural reference plan. Volodymyr Podobivskyi also used the example of implemented geoinformation systems for other communities to talk about additional opportunities and resources for filling out GIS.

Communities of Ternopil and Chernivtsi regions took part in the event, as the geoinformation system has gained wide interest there. Also, about 30 communities joined the event in the format of an online broadcast.

We thank the Chortkiv community for their trust and cooperation with the company "MagneticVan Municipal Technologies", as well as all the participants and organizers of the event for their interest in the geoinformation system, relevant and meaningful questions, and an active public position.

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the geoinformation system for your locality, please contact us by phone: +38 094 974 92 13, e-mail: