Presentation of the geoinformation system of the Korosten urban territorial community


10/10/20211 min read

On September 30, 2021, the company "MagneticVan Municipal Technologies" held a presentation of the geographic information system (GIS) of the Korosten urban territorial community.

The event was held with the participation of representatives of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Department of Management of Land Relations and Communal Property of the Korosten City Council. Also, about 28 representatives of territorial communities took part in the online presentation of the GIS of the Korosten community.

Volodymyr Podobivskyi, executive director of MagneticVan Municipal Technologies, congratulated representatives of the Korosten community on joining the digital communities of Ukraine.

The presentation highlighted the functionality of the urban planning and land cadastre geoportal, demonstrated the advantages of using these modules to automate the activities of employees of the urban planning and land relations department.

At the event, detailed information was also provided about the already available resources currently contained in the geographic information system of the Korosten community - urban planning documentation (general plans of community settlements, detailed plans of the territory of the city of Korosten, Historical and architectural reference plan of the city of Korosten, Zoning plan of the territory of the city of Korosten , the address register of the community, as well as the digital topographical and geodetic basis of the city of Korostenya) and the land cadastre of the community.

During the lively discussion, important points regarding the use of existing modules of the Geoportal and additional opportunities and resources for filling GIS were discussed, in particular, additional modules and layers are planned.

You can familiarize yourself with the geoinformation system of the Korosten city territorial community by following the link.

We thank all the participants of the presentation and representatives of the Korosten community for their cooperation and trust in the company "MagneticVan Municipal Technologies"!