Medical examination centers of the new generation


3/11/20152 min read

The idea is to do the initial examination of the patient remotely via video link. Thus, it is easier and more efficient for the patient and the doctor. In addition, there are fewer requirements for the organization of the doctor's work, since high-quality communication and basic operations on the part of the assistant are enough for remote diagnosis.

Such centers are intended for general examination and are not intended for specialized. In complex cases, the patient will be sent for a classic examination.


The creation of new generation medical centers consists of the following stages:

  1. Test implementation in one or two places.

  2. Working out the idea for further scaling.

The new generation medical center consists of:

  1. The medical center is a room (two or three rooms) where there is a therapist who acts as an assistant.

The assistant performs those functions that a more experienced doctor cannot perform with the help of video communication, namely:

- Performs administrative work (registers, records, etc.);

- Prepares everything so that the doctor can conduct a full examination of the patient remotely, using video communication;

– With the help of certain measuring tools (thermometer, tonometer, etc.), measures the basic parameters of the patient.

With the help of an assistant, the doctor has the opportunity to diagnose those things that cannot be done remotely with the help of video communication - measures pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.

2. A doctor who is provided with video communication. At the basic, initial level, it can be Skype, but with a high-quality connection (there are other free analogues).

The system will independently record patient data, and it also provides an opportunity for billing, i.e. calculation and receipt of funds for the work performed.


Thus, with the help of video communication, remote medical diagnostics will be possible in the most remote corners of Ukraine. Therefore, the requirements for the qualification of the doctor who is on site are not high, and qualified doctors can use their time per day as effectively as possible, that is, have significantly more examinations than they currently have.

This will make it possible to make examinations less expensive, at the same time of higher quality, and also help doctors of the highest category to work more efficiently and serve more patients. And in turn, to simplify access to qualified doctors for patients as much as possible, that is, everything boils down to the patient's visit to this office, and not a trip to the regional center.

Theoretically, such an office can be in every local polyclinic. This will ensure the provision of the highest quality medical care, access to high-quality specialists who can be located remotely.

Very interested in feedback, constructive criticism and advice immediately in the comments below.