It won't be like it was before: the results of 2021 from Ternopil entrepreneurs


1/3/20226 min read

  • Despite the quarantine and pandemic, a difficult period, many entrepreneurs from Ternopil managed to save their businesses, and some started new projects or expanded.

  • Representatives of local businesses told "20 Minutes" about the events that happened to them in the past year.

We asked Ternopil entrepreneurs to sum up 2021 and share their expectations for the coming year.

"The same problems for two or three years"

Nazar Andrushko, "Skavaridka" coffee shop:

- The same problems and questions have been arising for the past two or three years, we still haven't turned the page on the coronavirus. The year was difficult, but it is not over yet. We are still actively fighting it. If you don't look at financial things, there is still a positive.

Thank God that everyone is healthy, passed the coronavirus, and health is the most important thing for everyone. Therefore, we hope that everyone will continue to be healthy. I wish that in the New Year we will not have the problems and questions that have arisen in recent years, and humanity will finally turn the page on the coronavirus.

"The year was filled with optimism"

Volodymyr Kharkaviy, Gastropub Natura:

- The year was filled with optimism and the spirit that people overcame the fear of the pandemic, viruses and restrictions. They adapted and therefore began to restore their habits, to buy various things more often, to visit restaurants. Therefore, the business began to work better and develop. And this is the main positive after last year. Also, this year gave entrepreneurs a reason to think in which direction they want to develop.

Personally, I started working on a children's educational project because I saw a great need for the city and the country.

In the New Year, I would like to wish the people of Ternopil one thing - to get an education and develop, because in today's world it is very necessary.

"The year is better than the previous one"

Kateryna Kondratyuk, Ali Baba fast food:

- There is not enough positive. Starting from the New Year, the RRO (register of settlement operations) will be introduced, so everyone is interested in this issue. The year ended well, but everyone was waiting for its end to hear about the postponement of the PPO, unfortunately, it did not happen. Therefore, now everyone is busy with the transition to PRO, and this is the main disadvantage.

Although we did without severe quarantine and its complex consequences. As for my business, the year for it is ending better than the previous one, although it has not returned to the pre-quarantine level, but I hope that the next year will be better.

I wish the citizens of Ternopil to work, work and work again in 2022.

"Confidence in the future has appeared"

Nataliya Janus, photo studio "Mirror":

- This year, people began to become more actively involved in all the projects we proposed and in this regard became bolder, they go to shootings more often. Now it is much easier to organize and offer something. In 2021, confidence in tomorrow appeared. We also found a new way of development and work in collaboration with other enterprises. I believe that this is a future trend - to unite and offer something new.

Next year, I expect that people will be more conscious and respectful towards each other.

From a personal point of view, this year I traveled a lot and it is very nice that I managed to realize a lot of what I had planned.

I wish the citizens of Ternopil health, financial stability and development in the coming year 2022.

"It wasn't like relaxing"

Svitlana Plevachuk, Symka store:

- This year I worked a lot, sometimes seven days a week, there was no time for rest and even more so no time for travel. And you know, in my own business, I got a lot of clients this year. We have also expanded the range of products, but we will not stop there. We hope that 2022 will bring even more positivity and achievements, otherwise there is no way.

In the coming year, I wish the people of Ternopil health, joy and become my regular customers.

"New customers are 40 percent less"

Mykola Onyshchuk, Blonda Studio beauty salon:

- The year was very difficult, in terms of quarantine, these restrictions and prohibitions. Many unvaccinated could not get to the appointment. There were 40 percent fewer new customers, although it was possible to keep regular ones. There is not much positive, I am just waiting for the year to end. I expect that next year everything will be much better, there will be many times more new customers and all of them will become permanent. I think 2022 will be better both for the country and for local business, but for this we need to make efforts.

I wish the residents of Ternopil happiness, health, always be fashionable and always make the right choice in the New Year.

"Business is forced to change and adapt"

Oksana Povh, restaurant "Khinkalnia"

- On the one hand, 2021 did not live up to expectations - it seemed to many that with the end of 2020, the problems with the coronavirus would also end. There were hopes that it would be possible to work "as before". But he made it clear that "as before" will no longer be the same. Global changes are taking place in the world. Business is forced to change and adapt.

The problems of local businesses do not differ from the problems of all Ukrainian businesses. These are the restrictions caused by the pandemic, this is the panic mood in society that is periodically fueled by the media, this is the decrease in the purchasing power of consumers, this is the outflow of labor force abroad and the constant lack of specialists, this is the constant increase in the cost of energy carriers, which causes an increase in the cost of everything around, this is the instability of the tax system. systems and constant changes in legislation.

But problems exist in order to solve them. The key to success is a good, reliable team with which you can overcome any obstacles.

Therefore, it is good for Ternopil residents to welcome the New Year and all the upcoming holidays, to live it happily and safely. May 2022 be remembered as a year of abundance, peace of mind and goodness. So that all disagreements pass us by. If not a minute, we will successfully overcome them, because we are the City of Nice People.

"We learned to work during the pandemic"

Ruslan Savchyshyn, Chairman of the Ternopil Business Council:

- It was a difficult year, the business had many different challenges, but it was possible to find many solutions for adaptation to modern realities. In general, the year was successful - businesses are working, and those that have closed, I hope will resume their activities, we learned to work during the pandemic.

I wish entrepreneurs in 2022 self-belief and firm confidence that they will be able to do anything, less difficult tests and more time for the development of their own business and its multiplication in new realities, which should be considered not as a challenge, but as an opportunity.